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Planning a home water birth

a home birth with my first baby last November. I didn't have a water birth though, I did it on dry land!! I'd not thought about having a water birth, maybe I'll do it with my next baby! 

Don't listen to all those answers you'll get telling you home birth is dangerous. It isn't. Infant and maternal mortality (death) has consistently been shown to be the same risk or less risk when giving birth at home. However the risk of infant or maternal injury is much higher in hospital! 

Go with your instincts with the water. If you think it would be a good idea, try it. But I have heard many stories where when it came to it, the woman just couldn't fancy the pool... I've also heard many stories where the woman wouldn't leave the pool as well! Apparently water reduces risks of tearing, and supports the uterine muscle throughout contractions. 

Giving birth underwater is supposed to be gentler for the baby, although sometimes it can freak out your caregivers as the baby is sooo relaxed at birth they think something is wrong!!!! So make sure you get good midwives who are experienced with water birth and know what they are about. 

I only had the midwife there for the last twenty minutes of my labour and I was never examined, the midwife just watched whilst I pushed out my daughter. It was amazing and completely drug free and relaxing. I'm looking forward to doing it again, even though it was the most surreal day of my life!! I didn't have any tears which I put down to being so relaxed, my daughter was only average size at 7lb4.5oz but I'm not a big person! 

The reason I went for a home birth is that I really don't like hospitals and knew I could never birth there, going to a hospital would have been so scary for me, it would have stalled my labour and then I'd have ended up with interventions. I also saw no need to go, my pregnancy was healthy, I was only one week past my due date when I went into labour, I wasn't sick in any way. I had the untmost faith in my body to birth my baby, I knew I wouldn't need pain relief, and I didn't. I didn't even have gas and air. It was amazing. 

I wish you the best of luck for your home birth, you'll show the naysayers. You'll have to come back on answers after your birth and tell us how it felt to birth underwater, it sounds like an awesome experience. You can catch your own baby too!! Are you going to have your other half in the pool too? That would be excellent.....tell him not to worry he gets to wear shorts!!!
Planning a home water birth
Planning a home water birth

this review of anyone from yahoo answer:

The mother seemed really relaxed and in control. I had an all natural birth, birthing at home as long as possible and then rushed to the hospital for the delivery. I am a big advocate of an all natural birth and the water births seem to be a gentle transition into this world for baby.
I had a home water birth with my 3rd child. 
I hired mine from a company I found in the back of one of those baby magazines, I can't remember the name of it as it was 9 years ago, but I am sure they will have something similar now. 
It was an amazing experience, as soon as I got into the pool the pain eased beyond belief, I was able to move about freely, and actually birthed my son myself. He was so calm when he came to the surface, just looked about him, and took in the new faces of his mum and dad and 2 sisters. 
It really was a memorable experience.

 am not pregnant nor am I a mother but I think it is a good idea. Home water births are good plans and I know someone who was born like that and they are perfectly fine and nothing went wrong. The person who said that the baby would drown is silly as babies don't take their first breath until they reach air so even after being born they can survive for awhile without taking a breath. I hope this helps and don't get put off your choice as it is a good one. Hope it all goes well!.

i had two home water births 1in the bath tub and one in a birthing pool...truly amazing experiences and it does wonders for the pain, the birthing pool is definitely much better u can stretch out and it's deep enough to get ur whole belly and back under water. its a wonderful gentle experience , the pain relief really gives u much more control and u have a easier time getting into what ever position u choose since the water takes alot off the weight off you, its also great for preventing tears, in all the 100s of births my midwifes done she's never had a woman who had a water birth require stitches (even a woman who delivered a 11.5 lb baby wow) 
i don't know if its just my experience but the children who i delivered via water were much calmer and instead of being born screaming they were born floated up through the water to me and calmly began breathing and lookin around at the strange new world.

thanks enjoy

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